Scary Pic of Red Raiders About to Attack

Discussion in 'Classics' started by Orange Salad Ranch, Nov 5, 2001.

  1. zzzz

    zzzz 2,500+ Posts

    cpwhite1, I literally LOL.
  2. HoustoNole

    HoustoNole 25+ Posts

    I would be scared as hell of the kid with the Harry Potter shirt too.
  3. muckraker_too

    muckraker_too < 25 Posts

    visor dude has had a few bean burritos
  4. DieHardHorn01

    DieHardHorn01 < 25 Posts

    All the Tech fans look 12 yrs. old.
  5. username

    username < 25 Posts

    What's really creepy is that the GAP/visor boy has the same expression on his face in every picture. I'm afraid that he's been dead for two weeks and the sicko Tech fans have been pushing him around on a dolly the entire time. It's ironic that this sordid melee might reveal several different crimes.
  6. chance johnson

    chance johnson 100+ Posts

    Did someone see the kid flash a hook em sign?
  7. Chico_SA

    Chico_SA 25+ Posts

    Oh man. I just cant get enought of this. I haven't laughed out loud like this in a while. More, more, more!!
  8. Michelob

    Michelob < 25 Posts

    Even the reps got involved!! (2nd picture)
  9. WhoooTex

    WhoooTex 100+ Posts

    Are there any Tech students in these pictures? Or alumni?

    Christ, I count maybe
    six (not counting the Horny Aggie) picture.
  10. cpwhite1

    cpwhite1 < 25 Posts

    I for one am glad that the police managed to stop the Harry Potter kid... We all know that he would have changed into a huge three headed dog & ate the Yell Leader Jim Bob!!

  11. MadisonGAHorn

    MadisonGAHorn < 25 Posts

    Perry: "What the hell happened?"
    McKinney: "We lost"
    Perry: "I know that, I mean the brawl"
    McKinney: "We kicked the crap out of every 13 year old braces wearing punk we could find...and I got my "dander" up a little bit and had to bend this boy over the rail and show him what bein' an Aggie is all about"
  12. crash_davis

    crash_davis 250+ Posts

    so let me get this straight.

    the great defender was defending the alamo against harry potter, who happens to use a goal post as a wand, and his horde of pre-pubuscent dwarves. and apparently, harry potter casted a vicious spell commanding an aggie to attack the great defender.

    is this the lore now?
  13. BigOrangeWoody

    BigOrangeWoody < 25 Posts

    That is the funniest ****
  14. greenehorn

    greenehorn 25+ Posts

    "He turned me into a newt! Well, I got better..."

    You guys have it all wrong. You can't just look at the people in the pictures. They could all be in disguise. You have to look at their demeanor and facial expressions. That is when the real evil intentions become apparent. If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then these folks must really be blood-thirsty demons. Very scary and threatening. The parallels with the Alamo are obvious. Isn't it obvious that these villians would take no prisoners and slaughter any who dared surrender, just as Santa Anna did?

    I'm surprised there have been no references to a "red horde".
  15. Will Monk

    Will Monk 100+ Posts


    oh, this gets better by the minute.
  16. bub

    bub 100+ Posts

    There is no way those kids are students.
  17. Thorton Melon

    Thorton Melon First Time Poster

    “I grabbed my binoculars and said, ‘The next one that comes up gets it.’ Then somebody, I didn’t see who it was, knocked the fool out of me.” Captain McKinney


    I heard that McKinney and the Corps of Cadets are going to lead a conter-attack on the Compaq Center during the next Back Street Boys Concert.

  18. greenehorn

    greenehorn 25+ Posts

    Of course they are students!... in homeroom 17 at Buddy Holly Jr. High School.
  19. Buck Laughlin

    Buck Laughlin < 25 Posts

    Frodo Baggins would be proud.
  20. Ripper

    Ripper < 25 Posts

    HAHA! Oh geez! All these kids look like they are 12 years old! Which makes A&M's assault on these students look even worse.
  21. muckraker_too

    muckraker_too < 25 Posts

    ttt let the show continue!
  22. LA-Horn

    LA-Horn First Time Poster

    In an upset victory the Panthers from McDougal Elementary upset East Lake for the tetherball championship. Following the victory team captain Chico Ramirez leads the team as they carry the victory pole.
  23. Clear Lake Horn

    Clear Lake Horn 25+ Posts

    I think longhorn Al has raised a valid question. Who IS that pirate in the middle? He must be 25 years older than all the other tech fans. Is that the old guy that still rides skate boards and buys beer for underaged kids in order to feel accepted.
  24. ut1978

    ut1978 100+ Posts

    I 've got the girl in the low-cut tanktop problem!
  25. Wesley

    Wesley < 25 Posts

    Just think, 10 years from now when these kids are actually in college, they can look at these pictures with fond memories [​IMG]
  26. bub

    bub 100+ Posts

    This smacks of organization! Organization of the Wrapping Variety! (toilet paper) Meddling kids.
  27. bub

    bub 100+ Posts

    And now that I think about it, that group looks like Tech's recruits on an official visit.
  28. Bookman

    Bookman 1,000+ Posts

    That guy wearing the "Harry Potter" shirt is Kliff Kingsbury.
  29. sua sponte

    sua sponte 100+ Posts

    who's the Jewish kid with the red yarmulke?
    I knew the Israeli illiteratti was everywhere but this is ridiculous.
  30. TheRepublicOfTexas

    TheRepublicOfTexas 25+ Posts

    A 100yd "Runaway Scrape". Poor ags. They are bound to let history repeat itself.

    The Republic of Texas

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