Spider rote a pome.

Discussion in 'Classics' started by SpiderAg, Aug 30, 2000.

  1. SpiderAg

    SpiderAg 100+ Posts

    My classes just begun at Collin County Community Collage and I allready got a assinement in my Creative Riting class. I suppose to come up with a originale pome all my own.As you tsips now, aint much else Spider can thank off exsept the big game this weakend between the fightin Texas Aggies and the Noter Dame. So hears what I come up with...

    Look Out Noter Dame

    Look out Irish, Look out Noter Dame.
    Perpair to loose this football game.

    I laff at you domers that boast off tradition.
    We the ones with bonfire and tunnel vision.

    You may have the golden dome and the Cathlick Pope.
    We has maroon karrots and a fullback on dope.

    You may have NCs and Highsmens to boot.
    We has boy cheerleeders in ice cream sutes.

    You may have the 4 horsmen and a fella name Gipper.
    We has 4H Clubs and 300 pound strippers.

    You may have Newt Rockny and that old Irish luck.
    We has RC Slocum and the seckrataries he's (bin frendly with).

    You may laff at our shaved heads and our hick overalls.
    Just wate till we bend over and skweeze our aggie balls.

    You may mock us and you may tease us.
    But we goeing to turd on touchdown Jesus.

  2. fisher

    fisher < 25 Posts

  3. Arnold Ziffel

    Arnold Ziffel < 25 Posts

    c a n ' t t yp e, l a u gh ing
    t o o h a r d

    "Some people should die. That's just unconscious knowledge."

    -- "Pigs in Zen", lyrics by Perry Farell, music by Jane's Addiction
  4. Horned Buck

    Horned Buck Guest

    Finally we have a poet who can fill the void left by Dr. Seuss. If only I'd known about you when I needed wedding vows.
  5. Formus

    Formus < 25 Posts

    I have a feeling this is gonna be in the classics soon.

    "Breaks balance out. The sun don't shine on the same ol' dogs rear end every day." Darrell K. Royal The Link to my webpage.
  6. TahoeHorn

    TahoeHorn 1,000+ Posts

    You are Aggie poet Laura ate.
  7. Horn Tattoo

    Horn Tattoo < 25 Posts

    Excellent post.

    I would leave Touchdown Jesus out of it though Spidey.
  8. 12thStudStan

    12thStudStan 250+ Posts

    Hell of a pome, Spidey.
  9. greenehorn

    greenehorn 25+ Posts

  10. MegaHorn

    MegaHorn < 25 Posts

    thatsum bee-yoo-tee-full po-uh-tree, mistr spidur.

    i lyk ise creem.
  11. 69horn

    69horn < 25 Posts

    If Spider don't get an A+, let's boyscout CCCC.

    Was that the right amount of C's?
  12. DRAG69

    DRAG69 1,000+ Posts


    This web is for you !!!!!!!!
  13. Arnold Ziffel

    Arnold Ziffel < 25 Posts

    Seems like Quad C in Plainole Texxus dropped its admissions standards if it let SpiderAg in.

    "Some people should die. That's just unconscious knowledge."

    -- "Pigs in Zen", lyrics by Perry Farell, music by Jane's Addiction
  14. pasotex

    pasotex 2,500+ Posts

    I cannot understand why Spider was banned from TexAggs.

    Hook 'em!
  15. Newbomb Turk

    Newbomb Turk < 25 Posts

    Now that is knee slappin, Minnie Pearl, Hee-Haw funny.
  16. 88aero

    88aero 250+ Posts

    You owe me a new keyboard. Tears. Laughing. About to lose job. Glad my boss is a 'horn; he'll love it.

    *hook 'em all*
    From the inside, I don’t
    know where the hell I am.
    From the outside, I can’t
    find it. ---anonymous ag
  17. KC-97HORN

    KC-97HORN 500+ Posts

    Tears are coming outta my eyes,

    I really needed a good laugh, thanks spidey

    - D. CROCKETT&#60;P&#62;
  18. Manchu

    Manchu < 25 Posts

    "We has RC Slocum and the seckrataries he's (bin friendly with)"

    Abso-frickin-lutely Beautiful

    "The jive *** trickery, that makes this anything...but what it is" - The Gourds
  19. HoustonOrangeman

    HoustonOrangeman First Time Poster

    This is a gem. I have a feeling this one will be making the email rounds like an earlier "Houston Hurrican Evacuation Report".

    Simply fantastic.


    "It's the closest thing to God down here"
    --Chris Simms
  20. Horns Fan 4 Life

    Horns Fan 4 Life < 25 Posts

    Nicely done,SpiderAg...
    Keep them coming.
  21. BEVO2000

    BEVO2000 Guest

    That really is damn clever!

    "Where does he get all those TOYS?" -The Joker
  22. cacti

    cacti 25+ Posts

    This is why the internet was invented. Says it all.
    Roll over, Sheakspiere.

    "Look out kid, they keep it all hid."
  23. Hooked

    Hooked 25+ Posts

    Fabulous...outstanding.....my wife's wondering why I'm laughing out loud at my computer again.
  24. UTChE96

    UTChE96 2,500+ Posts

  25. Shadowdancer

    Shadowdancer 25+ Posts

    My favorite couplet:
    You may have the golden dome and the Cathlick Pope.
    We has maroon karrots and a fullback on dope.

    I love it.

    "The sea was angry that day, my friends. Like an old man sending back soup at a deli."
    Edited by Shadowdancer on 8/30/00 08:29 PM.
  26. KSHORN

    KSHORN Guest

    Spidey - You Are the Man!

    I can see every ag staying up hours on end trying to come up with something half as witty! Kudos.

    - God Bless Texas!
  27. Limerick Horn

    Limerick Horn < 25 Posts

    Genius, Genius, Genius

    Old Limerick Horn was going to write some witty response but then I realized that any effort I might make would pale in comparison to the future Valedictorian of old C4. Therefore, I shall lurk in the shadows of the spot light that shines on SpiderAg.

    By the way, you guys should see 'em around here when they try to talk about Collin County Community College-Sring Creek Campus. Try that after a few beers.
  28. Crimson&CreamDean

    Crimson&CreamDean < 25 Posts

    You're one sick bastard spidey. I love it!
  29. triplehorn

    triplehorn 2,500+ Posts

  30. TornJock

    TornJock 100+ Posts

    I'm printing this out for the English teachers at the high school I teach for...they're all Ags. :

    "You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline...It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least, you need a beer."
    Frank Zappa

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