
Discussion in 'In The Stands' started by mofohorn, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. mofohorn

    mofohorn 25+ Posts

    Anyone use this service last year at TX-OU ?
  2. Horns11

    Horns11 10,000+ Posts

    It's probably tough to get any kind of cab out of Fair Park on game day. I'd take the light rail out of there to downtown Dallas and then take your chances.
  3. marley

    marley 500+ Posts

    Interesting idea.

    I would think that Uber drivers would be all over that idea (unless they were all in the stadium, too).

    If you try it this year, let us know how it works.
  4. mofohorn

    mofohorn 25+ Posts

    I will.
  5. Horn69

    Horn69 2,500+ Posts

    Where could you catch Uber at DKR?

    Hook'em!!! [​IMG]
  6. 4xChamps

    4xChamps 25+ Posts

    Uber is certainly available TX/OU w/e but at a premium price. They will let subscribers know of certain times during the year that they will be charging a premium for their services...this is one of those weekends.
  7. mofohorn

    mofohorn 25+ Posts

    I'm pretty sure Uber is in Austin. You need to download their App and sign up. They will pick you up anywhere and drop you anywhere.
  8. Horns11

    Horns11 10,000+ Posts

    Friend of mine just said he did Lyft last year, but waited maybe like 3 hours after the game for time to unwind and chill at the fair. He said it was counted as a "premium zone" that day because of anticipated traffic, which charges like time-and-a-half or something. His total (according to him) was "$30-something dollars for a ride to Arlington."
  9. Joe Fan

    Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts

    Austin has now gracefully downshifted into a simpler, slower, more expensive, less convenient, more frustrating lifestyle.

    Here is what the Marriott if giving guests

  10. Phil Elliott

    Phil Elliott 2,500+ Posts

    Once again, Austin exposes itself as not-so-progressive-as-we-say-we-are.
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  11. BevoJoe

    BevoJoe 10,000+ Posts

    Hell!! Even aggy has Uber....

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  12. snek

    snek 500+ Posts

    That's not Aggy Uber. It's Aggy Pooper. Swangin' Gate if I ever done saw one.
  13. mb227

    mb227 de Plorable

    For the money that Uber wasted on their campaign, they could have funded the background checks for ALL of their drivers in the Austin area...and probably Houston as well.

    Why WAS Uber so opposed to background checks? My guess is that they wanted to keep distance from the employees come lawsuit time...no background check and they could then plead the 'we had NO idea' defense.
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Golden Steer

    Golden Steer 250+ Posts

    What's even more ridiculous is the fact that the city of Austin has made it illegal for employers to ask potential employees about having a criminal background as part of the initial screening. You have to interview them before you can even ask about if say, they’ve murdered or raped someone.
  15. Phil Elliott

    Phil Elliott 2,500+ Posts

    They were not against *any* background checks, they do name-based background checks already. They were against fingerprint background checks due to the extra expense.

    The hypocrisy of what GS pointed out is particularly galling. This is not about public safety, this is about protecting the taxi cartel. Mayor Adler was told up-front by his own people that if Uber and Lyft left, that DWI-related deaths would most likely go up.
  16. mb227

    mb227 de Plorable

    A name-based background check is tantamount to no check at all...it's on par with saying 'what's your name' and then looking them up on PublicData or similar site.

    There is ZERO reason to oppose a fingerprint based background check, especially when the amount wasted on the campaign would have MORE than covered checks for all of the drivers BOTH companies have in the Austin area (as well as other parts of Texas). They wanted special treatment instead of playing by the same rules as everyone else carries passengers had to do.

    Further, it is disingenuous to blame anyone but the drunk if DWI-related deaths go up...if anything, their claim that they will drive if there is no Uber or Lyft (or similar service) instead of taking a cab says they are making the CONSCIOUS CHOICE to drink and drive while knowing they were intoxicated. If I was on a jury in such a case, they WILL likely get the maximum associated with the case.
  17. Joe Fan

    Joe Fan 10,000+ Posts

  18. mb227

    mb227 de Plorable

    Interesting that their interviewed driver all but states they do not feel they should have consequences attach to their conduct...

    And nobody was left 'unable to get to work' given that, at last check, other modes of transportation, to include licensed cabs, are still available.
  19. Brad Austin

    Brad Austin 2,500+ Posts

    Austin is quickly turning into another absurd Cali city. Love the traditional Austin people held over from days past, but the city gov is really f'n that place up.

    What a crock they've become with their infringing codes. Massive gov overreach into citizen's lives always turns out so well. :rolleyes1:

    First the bag ban resulted in nearly the exact same plastic bags returning to HEB but now with a fee. Who's voting on a bag ban in Nov? Cali

    And now it's illegal to pay for a ride from anyone a person chooses?

    So if you're out of gas and offer a stranger $20 to bring you to a gas station it's breaking city code?

    Man overreaching gov really knows how to deteriorate great locales with all their bs rules and codes. There's countless examples around the U.S. where the exact same big-brother mentality has wrecked once envied cities and public behavior is way worse.

    Months ago I met my buddy (lives in Austin) in Houston for a weekend. We took Uber to bars and he raved about the easy replacement removing any thought of driving out.

    A few months later, Austin codes boot Uber and drinkers face tough choices again. Most don't understand how many social drinkers used Uber that rarely took cabs out before.

    The Austin public faces MUCH greater risk from the guaranteed resurgence of drinking and driving in favor of passenger safety from the rare criminally minded Uber driver.

    The city really needs to give it a rest dictating so many overbearing rules of Austin life.

    I've had an easy opportunity to move back (lived there 15 years) for months now and can't seem to swallow the growing separation between modern Austin and Texan values.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
  20. snek

    snek 500+ Posts

    I am looking at leaving. My house has skyrocketed in value and I am not loving the hipster demographic moving in. I can sell and get lots of land or hell, leave and get more house in a cooler city now.
    • Like Like x 1

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