Worst door-to-door mag salesman ever...

Discussion in 'Esther's Follies' started by accuratehorn, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. accuratehorn

    accuratehorn 10,000+ Posts

    So I'm watching House last night and the doorbell rings, and some about 20-year-old guy is there, and he starts in on his pitch. "My mom is making me do this, and I live in your neighborhood over on such-and-such street. I'm only doing this because my mom is making me."
    Then he whips out the sheet of magazine offers, I still haven't opened the glass screen door, and have rolled my eyes so much they are stuck to the top of their sockets.
    I try to be nice and get rid of him by saying I wouldn't be able to help, then it's "I need to get points for a vacation, and my mom said everyone in the neighborhood would want to help out."
    I'm laughing so hard by now I have difficulty shutting the door and uttering "Worst scammer ever!" as he sidles off to the next neighbor's house.
    I know, should have asked about Vibe.
    Isn't there a required door-to-door sales license these guys must have (City of Austin)? I think I could have called the police on him-I try to be cordial because they might be casing your house for a break-in or something, but I really don't like them coming around.
    What do you guys tell these clowns?
  2. TomTerrific

    TomTerrific 500+ Posts

    I usually turn it around on them end up selling them about $16 worth of aluminum siding for $40,000 over the next 15 tears.
  3. Nivek

    Nivek 500+ Posts

  4. horngrad03

    horngrad03 250+ Posts

    "Good evening Sir, my name is Steve. I come from a rough area. I used to be addicted to crack but now I am off it and trying to stay clean. That is why I am selling magazine subscriptions. "
  5. Hornfan#10

    Hornfan#10 25+ Posts

    I had a door to door salesmen the other day try to sell us toothpaste. We thought it must have been someone casing our house, we pay 685 a month for a 2 bedroom non student housing, why the hell would you want to rob us.

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