You folks just don't get this Tiger thang

Discussion in 'Other Sports' started by SpiderAg, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. SpiderAg

    SpiderAg 100+ Posts

    Listen, what did you folks expeck? This Tiger Woods fella has done been trained his whole life to hit 18 diffrent holes ever 4 hours. By my calculations that's six women ever four hours. It's been engrained in his training regiment. That's all. You cain't criticize a fella fer being true to his regiment.
    Seriously, ever time I turn on a golf turnament and I see Tiger Woods teein off, some dumb sumbitch is caught by the TV camera screaming, "Get it in the hole, Tiger!" When a fella is constantly urged on to get it in the hole he's gonna rend his sumbitch in some o' hole. That's just the way thangs work.
    It ain't Tiger's fault is all I'm saying. Hell.


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