Let me preface this by saying, forgive me, I am old. I am cutting Spectrum out of my life before the end of the month (except for internet - they are still the only high speed provider in Lockhart
Given our move to the SEC, I think Hulu+ live TV will get me all the Longhorn sports that used to be on LHN. But I would really like to hear the experiences of the community before I pull the trigger. So, what say you? Hulu, or another streaming service?
Also, once I have a service, how do I access the + channels? ESPN+, SEC+? Guidance on that is also deeply appreciated.
Hook 'em!

Given our move to the SEC, I think Hulu+ live TV will get me all the Longhorn sports that used to be on LHN. But I would really like to hear the experiences of the community before I pull the trigger. So, what say you? Hulu, or another streaming service?
Also, once I have a service, how do I access the + channels? ESPN+, SEC+? Guidance on that is also deeply appreciated.
Hook 'em!