Good for Blount

Talk trash in someones face, and put your hands on them and you better be prepared for the consequences. They are both idiots, but I'm tired of hearing about how the BSU kid was "turned around".

IF some assclown talks trash and touches me, then TURNS AROUND, well thank you! That just makes my job easier.
Blount was wrong, and should be punished to some extent, but wouldn't it be nice for the Boise player to also man up and say "I shot my mouth off and got hit, it happens."?
It's easy for y'all to sit there and say kick him off the team, he should never play again. But you're not in the shoes of the coach who has to make that decision, which may damn well ruin the kid's life. This is a HIGHLY emotional game. Sometimes sh*t gets out of hand. And it's not like he pulled out a knife and stabbed someone. He took a swing at some jackass who was starting some sh*t.

The guy from Boise started it all by grabbing his arm and taunting. It was a f*cking sh*tty thing to do, to kick a man when he's down. Oregon was humiliated. Let them walk off the field and go home. Go celebrate with your fans, and shut the f*ck up.

And second, if you're going to go start some sh*t, you better be prepared for retaliation. He had his helmet off, turned away, and got clocked. Stupid.

I would suspend the Oregon guy for 3 games. And suspend the Boise guy for 1 game for starting it all and being a poor sport.
Gosh Hu Fan, you're so superior to the posters here I'm suprised you still visit the site.
Man, thanks for blessing us with your presence.
C'mon, really. How much **** talking do you think goes on after any game? Blount was humiliated because he had less than cadaver yards and his team held to 150 total yards. He's got to have better restraint than that. He also tangled with his own teammates and wanted to go in the stands. Hope he can overcome this because the kid has talent, but he deserves to suffer the just consequences for his actions.
One "cheap shot" in that game, the hit on the qb that put him out of the game. Two personal fouls called on Boise St during the game, I think Oregon St. had one personal. Oregon was just pissed that they got punked at home by a WAC team.
The other thing no one is talking about is the police officers who intervened. The first police officer who tried to restrain him from going into the stands was pushed around like a rag doll. They typically don't like that type of thing. If he made any aggressive contact such as pushing or punching, then he's in big, big trouble. The least of his worries are whether he'll play football again. I think it's called assault, no?
Blount was wrong, but the BSU guy certainly earned his trip to the blue turf. Peterson was already pulling him back and getting on him for the taunting. Blount's got to be smarter than that (though it appears that's asking too much of him), but the "wrong" side of all of us has to find some entertainment in a jerk running his mouth and then getting popped right in the thing he's running.

Bottom line is BSU and Blount deserve one another - cheap shots last year, running of the mouth before the game, taunting after the game, punch to face. Not a very surprising progression.

My biggest regret is I couldn't see it all very well as I was trying to adjust my TV set. The field looked blue on my . . . . Sorry.
Pederson needs to be commended for his post game interview. It couldnt have been but 3 minutes after the punch that he was asked about it and he didn't get caught up in the emotions of what had happened right in front of him.

I'm not condoning in any way Blount's behavior, but it seemed to me that the Boise State player hit him in the shoulder pads pretty hard and then talked smack just inches from his face. I'm sure he regrets his actions today, but in his defense he might have just reacted without thinking.

Now the aftermath (going after fans, having to be pulled away by Frost, wrestling with police officers) is a whole other enchilada. That was pretty bad.
Dude should have kept his mouth shut and enjoyed a good win. Now he gets to talk about how much fun he had with a fat lip
Blount = IDIOT
3rd string deep snapper running his piehole after a win = Idiot

Does he deserve to get punched in said piehole after pulling a Nelson? No

Would you like to punch him in his biscuit-eater after the "Ha-Ha"? Hell yes

Either beat them on the field or shut up. And if you win....shut up. You won. Point to the score board. No class by the 3rd string tackling dummy but by no means should he be assaulted for being stupid by an uncivilized idiot.
Good for Blount? Good for Blount?

How is this good for him?

1. Probably Suspensed for multiple games.
2. Possibly gets kicked off the team.
3. Possible criminal charges.
4. National reputation in the toilet.

Oh, but he retained his "manhood" and kept it real. Good for him.
Check out that video at the 2:10 mark. Is that a punch at the officer?

Hello jail cell...

I'm surprised he wasn't arrested on the spot by Boise police...
Don't think #86 (from Oregon) liked getting jacked in the face either. Blount should be kicked off the team for that action alone.
If i were commish for a day.. .Blount out for 6 games minimum... Team can decide if that's enough.

Nothing done to BSU guy by NCAA... but if I were Peterson suspend him for 2 games.
I can't excuse Blount's actions, but this isn't a case of simple taunting. When the guy combined the verbal taunt with a physical smack, he crossed a line and should have expected retaliation. I'd suspend Blount for at least three games and sit the BSU guy out one game.
It was a little more than a tap, and it happened after the game. Late hits and facemasks are ordinary game penalties. Blount was wrong, but the BSU guy has got to be thick as a brick to trash talk in his face and smack him on the shoulder without being prepared to duck.

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