I made it two years sober


250+ Posts
I stumbled in here a few years ago, in a daze. Cocaine, alcohol, and all things self were my gods. I've met a lot of wonderful people here, through my admissions, and I want to let you know that I'm still kicking, and I'm still sober. Granted, the Horns recent mess over has caused me a great deal of bitternes....

But in the big scheme of things, life is good. I have a wonderful wife, my adopted son, Daniel COLTon is now 14 months old to go with my two "natural" children, am very active in my church, and have a wonderful relationship with Christ. It's no surprise that I have realized more professional success over that time period than any other time period in my life.

So, if some of you are struggling remember: we do recover, no matter how low we go. Through Christ, all things are possible. Thank you to those that have been a source of inspiration.

Merry Christmas and God Bless.
From someone who drinks EVERY single weekend for as long as I can remember, that is a remarkable feat. Congratulations.

My best friend has been sober for 8, and without a doubt, his life has only improved with every year.

It can take a lot, but every day you succeed gives you more strength for the next.

Keep it up!

It sounds like your life is the richer for it and you have much to be thankful for. Congratulations.
Way to go, dude. You should be very proud of yourself. It is posts like yours that make us all realze what is most important in our lives. Keep it up.
man, i remember that post...
so good to hear about the joys in your life!
Impressive feat for which you are whole-heartedly congratulated! I have known people who just cannot accomplish what you have done-I have seen how hard it can be, and the damage to relationships and themselves that ensues.
Keep it going!
my father-in-law (mopette's dad) is coming up on 4 years in april after 30 years of being a white collar alcoholic. pretty cool to see. he has changed very very much in the past 3.5 years. i don't even think he sees it.

to you! Phil. 4:13.

What a significant achievement ... God always manages to help you find strength when you think you have none.

May God continue to bless you.
I did not see your post from 2 years ago, but you were at a low point obviously. Congratulations on beating back all those "things" and finding the Light.

God bless you and your family.
My hat is off to you sir! The best gift you can give your kids is a healthy father. My father passed away 10 years ago from liver failure due to chronic alcoholism. Sometimes I feel cheated by his alcoholism, but other times I feel he ad led by example.....yes, a BAD example, but a lesson none the less. Keep up the good work!
One Day at a Time!

I have just quit myself. My Dad was sober for about 9 years after being an alcoholic once my Mom passed. I basically followed in his footsteps, not the right ones of course, but I have realized that I can't take just one drink. It consumes me. It's hurting me and those I care about, and before I lose them or myself, I have decided no more! I'm done with it. With God all things are possible. I truly believe that, and I congratulate you on your 2 years!
Good for you, NativeTXchic.

The lives of the people you care for will be so much better -- and so will yours.
Thanks for sharing BHud. That is truely awesome, and awe inspiring.

Kicking someone's demons is never an easy task. Good luck to you, and God's grace and peace to you and your family.

Good luck on your journey. It won't be easy, but remember there are a lot of people pulling for you, even if we have never met you...
If NTX has one half the resolve and ability shown in other things she is going to ace this. Good luck!

And BHud, awesome.
2020 may suck but...I'm still sober. And I'm still beyond thankful for you people that greeted me here, sans judgement, with open arms and hearts. Im still sober. I've helped 100s, maybe 1000s of other men and women in sobriety.

If you ever need help, or an ear, im available.
[email protected]
Hook em.

I stumbled in here a few years ago, in a daze. Cocaine, alcohol, and all things self were my gods. I've met a lot of wonderful people here, through my admissions, and I want to let you know that I'm still kicking, and I'm still sober. Granted, the Horns recent mess over has caused me a great deal of bitternes....

But in the big scheme of things, life is good. I have a wonderful wife, my adopted son, Daniel COLTon is now 14 months old to go with my two "natural" children, am very active in my church, and have a wonderful relationship with Christ. It's no surprise that I have realized more professional success over that time period than any other time period in my life.

So, if some of you are struggling remember: we do recover, no matter how low we go. Through Christ, all things are possible. Thank you to those that have been a source of inspiration.

Merry Christmas and God Bless.
D*** proud of you BH, and I love that sign (guess it’s supposed to be called your avatar) but I love it.

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