Thoughtful and Well-Reasoned Political Discourse

If it's true that "In democracy, people get the government they deserve*" then we have been very naughty indeed

* Alexis De Tocqueville
It's on the American people. We elect clowns like this. We don't want people who do anything. We want ****-talking self-promoters. That's what we reward.
It's on the American people. We elect clowns like this. We don't want people who do anything. We want ****-talking self-promoters. That's what we reward.
Why is that though? Of all the brilliant and wise and thoughtful and decent people in this country we end up with the corrupt, demented fuckwits who aren’t fit to run an East Texas Dairy Queen.
I mean what is it in our national character, or wherever this comes from, that produces such ****** outcomes.
Who is their right mind would run for public office knowing every comma or period they ever wrote or word they uttered would be twisted and blasted over all media styled in worst possible light
PLUS drag every member of your family into glaring spotlight
It's on the American people. We elect clowns like this. We don't want people who do anything. We want ****-talking self-promoters. That's what we reward.
“ If votin’ made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” Twain. A statement he made 100 years ago.
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Who is their right mind would run for public office knowing every comma or period they ever wrote or word they uttered would be twisted and blasted over all media styled in worst possible light
PLUS drag every member of your family into glaring spotlight
Sounds like Hornfans.
“ If votin’ made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.” Twain. A statement he made 100 years ago.

This right here. The rulers have set up a system that incentives voting for crazies. They pick the candidates. They set the Overton window. They control the media, entertainment, education, etc.

We have a formal democracy but not an essential one. Essentially we are run by moneyed interests, even those outside of the US, and a huge bureaucracy.
This right here. The rulers have set up a system that incentives voting for crazies. They pick the candidates. They set the Overton window. They control the media, entertainment, education, etc.

We have a formal democracy but not an essential one. Essentially we are run by moneyed interests, even those outside of the US, and a huge bureaucracy.
Notice that we only have two parties…much simpler to manipulate that way. Most democracies have several.

Like Teddy Roosevelt, Trump is a populist…out of their control. In addition he shared traits…like mean, uncouth and would knock a few heads around. They thought they controlled T.R, then turned on him immediately when they discovered they didn’t. Were it not for T.R we wouldn’t have the national forest throughout the west. The rich wanted those lands.
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It's on the American people. We elect clowns like this. We don't want people who do anything. We want ****-talking self-promoters. That's what we reward.
They won’t let you in unless you are controllable..most of the good are filtered out before they can reach the upper levels of power.
They won’t let you in unless you are controllable..most of the good are filtered out before they can reach the upper levels of power.

Nobody let MTG in except the voters in her district. She had better people on the ballot in both primary elections. The voters rejected them. They like that she's a clown. They think that means she's tough and fights for them. The problem is that they don't know what a member of Congress is or what their job duties are.

Same with Lauren Boebert. That district was represented by Scott Tipton - solid conservative who did his job. But he wasn't a hot chick with a rockin' bod. He didn't smack talk. So he got ousted in his primary election by a chick who gets felt up and gives handjobs to strange men in theaters.

And the Dems are no better. AOC unseated a very liberal Democrat, but he didn't jiggle his boobs in a college video, spout socialist talking points, and instead just did his job. Of course, virtually the entire Congressional Black Caucus is useless trash talkers who don't do anything productive.
Nobody let MTG in except the voters in her district. She had better people on the ballot in both primary elections. The voters rejected them. They like that she's a clown. They think that means she's tough and fights for them. The problem is that they don't know what a member of Congress is or what their job duties are.

Same with Lauren Boebert. That district was represented by Scott Tipton - solid conservative who did his job. But he wasn't a hot chick with a rockin' bod. He didn't smack talk. So he got ousted in his primary election by a chick who gets felt up and gives handjobs to strange men in theaters.

And the Dems are no better. AOC unseated a very liberal Democrat, but he didn't jiggle his boobs in a college video, spout socialist talking points, and instead just did his job. Of course, virtually the entire Congressional Black Caucus is useless trash talkers who don't do anything productive.
Does this signal that it's time to bring your President Camacho icon out of retirement?
Well, fortunately there is that esteemed body, The United States Senate, where they do not behave like this.
Why is that though? Of all the brilliant and wise and thoughtful and decent people in this country we end up with the corrupt, demented fuckwits who aren’t fit to run an East Texas Dairy Queen.
I mean what is it in our national character, or wherever this comes from, that produces such ****** outcomes.
Follow the money.
An Amendment overturning the Citizens United case would be a good first step.

Restricting freedom of speech isn't the answer. Make it easier to see who's writing the checks.

Campaign finance reform is a scam. All it has ever done is encourage donors to conceal their donations and make tracking them more difficult.

I'd much rather George Soros just write out big checks to candidates and the Democratic Party than to write out a bunch of small ones to candidates, PACs, Superpacs, front organizations, etc. that ultimately accomplish the same outcome as just bankrolling the candidates but are much harder to track.
An Amendment overturning the Citizens United case would be a good first step.

No it wouldn't. That isn't what that case was about in anyway. That was an attempt by Hillary Clinton to outlaw a video made by a PAC to criticize her.
The ROK shows the World how parliamentary debate is done:

Meanwhile, North of the Border, in North Korea you can witness a very well-behaved parliament/assembly in action. No disrespect or disruption can be found in this political body:


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