T’Vondre Sweatt


250+ Posts
I know I’m late to the party, but I saw/heard something about Sweatt returning. He is a senior/ began as Freshman in 2019. Played 2019,2020,2021, and 2022. But is 2020 a gimme/no count against eligibility? I know it was at the time, but is it a true option? Counts or doesn’t count based on player decision. He’s a hell of a player,but likely is better off with some NIL money than UDFA. What do we know about that?
I wouldn’t sweat this.

Having him back would be sweet, or maybe salty.

And where there’s Patterson, there’s Sweatt.
Sweat is not leaving, I’m still surprised Coburn is.
Corburn can stay if he desires.
I know I’m late to the party, but I saw/heard something about Sweatt returning. He is a senior/ began as Freshman in 2019. Played 2019,2020,2021, and 2022. But is 2020 a gimme/no count against eligibility? I know it was at the time, but is it a true option? Counts or doesn’t count based on player decision. He’s a hell of a player,but likely is better off with some NIL money than UDFA. What do we know about that?

I looked up the Covid Eligibility rule here: NCAA Extra Year of Eligibility | Coronavirus Rules

What does an extra year of eligibility mean?
All student-athletes whose 2020-2021 season was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic will now get 6 years to compete in 4 full seasons of their sport in college. Traditionally, there is a 5-year clock for athletes to play 4 years. For seniors, this ruling meant a chance to finish out their college careers. For others, it opens a door to new academic and athletic opportunities.

Based on this and that T'Vondre played in enough games each year in 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 for the year to qualify as a full season eligibility-wise, he should not get the extra year. A full season used to be playing in more than 3 games in that season. I am not sure if this is still accurate. Seems that I remember that being increased to 4 games a few years back.

I read this as the period to compete in four "full" seasons is increased from 5 years to 6 years, not that an additional "full" season is available.

BUT I hope my interpretation is wrong.
I confirmed that Sweatt is eligible to return. Unless some Dbag agent talks to him about getting drafted, he’ll be back.

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