USC or The Ohio State

Who should join Georgia, TCU and Michigan in the playoffs?
It will be USC, IMO.
USC IS GOING TO WIN THE WHOLE THING as long as Caleb is QBing.
USC is going to win it all next season also if Caleb is QBing.
Plus He is going to win two Heisman.
And then the juggernaut will continue.
The next Alabama.
Riley will get the best recruits and he knows how to use them.
I hate it but it's the coming reality.
No joke, I think USC can win it all. Georgia is so dependent on their stud defense while having a pedestrian offense that has a true stud TE and not much more. I think USC can score on Georgia and much like Bama did last year in the SEC title game if USC gets up I dont know how Georgia's offense hangs with them. Now the Bama rematch last year in the NC game also shows that Georgia can ride that defense to beating anyone but a Georgia USC game is not an automatic blowout and will be a lot of fun to watch.
Usc soundly beats top team. Osu gets trounced by top team.

Only one option imo

Add to that A West Coast Team? No brainer
Ticks me off but Lincoln has done a good job. If he manages to pull off a playoff birth and worse yet, a championship- first year - I’ll likely be physically ill. D***
I’m not sold on USC. They play in a relatively weak conference and really don’t have a marque win. Their best wins were against UCLA and ND, both good but not high level teams. I would rate the rest of their schedule as mediocre to weak: Rice, Stanford, Fresno State, ORST (close win) ASU, WSU, AZ, CAL (close win) & CO. They didn’t play Oregon or Washington, and Utah, arguably the best team they played (and will play again) beat them.

How would Texas have done against that schedule? How would USC have fared against Alabama, KSU and TCU? I’d say three losses.

While USC has been gaining confidence, to me they don’t deserve to be considered among the top teams in the country.
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I’ve lived around and worked with Ohioans for many years. Most hate Texas. Not all of them were bad in my large sample size...25%. I’m not exaggerating. It’s only when they are in numbers, like Florida’s west coast, do they reveal their true nature. Those that have moved to Texas might appear normal. Remember when we played them in Columbus and a very substantial number of their fans wore those “ We Hate Texas “ T-shirts? And after that game numerous longhorns of all ages were assaulted. So USC.
I’m not sold on USC. They play in a relatively weak conference and really don’t have a marque win. Their best wins were against UCLA and ND, both good but not high level teams. I would rate the rest of their schedule as mediocre to weak: Rice, Stanford, Fresno State, ORST (close win) ASU, WSU, AZ, CAL (close win) & CO. They didn’t play Oregon, and Utah, arguably the best team they played (and will play again) beat them.

How would Texas have done against that schedule? How would USC have fared against Alabama, KSU and TCU? I’d say three losses.

While USC has been gaining confidence, to me they don’t deserve to be considered among the top teams in the country.
who is tOSU's "Marque win"? their big game, at home, they get blown out.
One of my best friends is an SC alumnus. I always pull for the Trojans (when not playing UT). He & I had a friendly bet on the 2006 Rose Bowl Championship game. He paid off like a slot machine. Would love to give him a chance to win his $ back some day.
who is tOSU's "Marque win"? their big game, at home, they get blown out.
I believe that the Big Ten in general, and Ohio State’s schedule in particular is more challenging:

ND (About the same score)
Wisconsin (52-21)
MSU (49-20)
Rutgers (49-10)
Iowa (54-10)
Indiana (56-14)
Penn State

Some, dominant wins. Agreed, not a juggernaut schedule either, but more challenging IMO than what USC faced. and more decisive wins.

I believe that Lowlife LC took the SC job, aside from the ridiculous money, because he saw an easier path to the CFP, and he was intimidated by the move to the SEC.
It will be USC, IMO.
USC IS GOING TO WIN THE WHOLE THING as long as Caleb is QBing.
USC is going to win it all next season also if Caleb is QBing.
Plus He is going to win two Heisman.
And then the juggernaut will continue.
The next Alabama.
Riley will get the best recruits and he knows how to use them.
I hate it but it's the coming reality.
Last time I checked we have the #1 QB in 2023 coming to Texas. Just saying...
At the end of the day winning your conference and winning an extra game should count for something if both teams have similar resumes. BIG really screwed up putting tOSU, UM, and PSU all on the same side. I hate USC, but they deserve it more than tOSU this year as long as they win out.
I’m not sold on USC. They play in a relatively weak conference and really don’t have a marque win. Their best wins were against UCLA and ND, both good but not high level teams. I would rate the rest of their schedule as mediocre to weak: Rice, Stanford, Fresno State, ORST (close win) ASU, WSU, AZ, CAL (close win) & CO. They didn’t play Oregon or Washington, and Utah, arguably the best team they played (and will play again) beat them.

How would Texas have done against that schedule? How would USC have fared against Alabama, KSU and TCU? I’d say three losses.

While USC has been gaining confidence, to me they don’t deserve to be considered among the top teams in the country.
dukesteer once again showing wisdom beyond his years.
One of my best friends is an SC alumnus. I always pull for the Trojans (when not playing UT). He & I had a friendly bet on the 2006 Rose Bowl Championship game. He paid off like a slot machine. Would love to give him a chance to win his $ back some day.
All in quarters?
Sadly I think it has to be Ohio State. Clemson has to be just kicking themselves silly right now for spitting the bit against south Carolina last week the door was wide open for them to get in.
By the way, apparently class act Caleb Williams had “F*** Utah” painted on his nails before the game last night. In the post game PC they asked Rising about it.

It was a lowlife move consistent with the ethically challenged nature of his HC, Lowlife Lincoln.

Can you imagine a Texas player doing such antics? Not a chance. That’s one of the reasons I’m proud to be a Longhorn fan. Unlike many programs, including many upper echelon ones, we try to do it the right way.

And VolHorn, this is partially why I don’t buy into the “they’re all mercenaries” take with respect to NIL.
By the way, apparently class act Caleb Williams had “F*** Utah” painted on his nails before the game last night. In the post game PC they asked Rising about it.

It was a lowlife move consistent with the ethically challenged nature of his HC, Lowlife Lincoln.

Can you imagine a Texas player doing such antics? Not a chance. That’s one of the reasons I’m proud to be a Longhorn fan. Unlike many programs, including many upper echelon ones, we try to do it the right way.

And VolHorn, this is partially why I don’t buy into the “they’re all mercenaries” take with respect to NIL.
You kidding? Texas players skipped the Eyes. I can imagine anything at this point.
And we got rid of the coach who allowed that poison to fester in very short order.
Yep, but players these days don't seem to care about anything but themselves. So, the answer to the hypothetical, IMO, is yes, I could see a Texas player doing something like that.

Now, the question was not asked would Sark make the player remove it if he knew about it. If that was the question, then my answer would be yes.
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And we got rid of the coach who allowed that poison to fester in very short order.
That team had a weak HC who lacked maturity, and players like Sterns, Eagles and Foster who were agitators, and who didn’t care a flip about the team or the school.

As HIC alluded, IMO no way does Sark allows such behavior.

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