What's the story behind Tceh?

Duck Dodgers

1,000+ Posts
I often see T Tech spelled Tceh, which always seemed as foolish as A&M calling UT tu.

Is there some self-own by Tech where they spelled their school name wrong on something official, or just childish name calling?
Just part of the traditional standardized (mis)spelling here.

there (for “their” or “they’re”)
your (for “you’re”)
A few years ago in Lubbock, after a Tech score, the cheerleaders ran out onto the field carrying their 4 flags spelling T-E-C-H. However, this one time, they were lined up T-C-E-H. And so, Tceh was born. Should be a pic of it somewhere.
There is also a picture (somewhere) of the ou flag squad spelling "osoner" with their flags after a score - anyone got that pic?
As much as some Pre Madonnas would like to see "Tceh" fade into Bolivia...we at Hornfans are just not going to let it happen.
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