As far as media go... I think they are in the main reluctant to rethink 50 years of conventional wisdom. The media in England didn't buy that sweet tasting water from the Broad Street Well could be spreading cholera, even as the evidence mounted and the ghost map of physician John Snow was widely shared. They thought stinky air, abundant in the London, was the source and plenty of unimaginative medical and scientific people backed them up.
More recently, I remember the 1976 presidential debates. Jimmy Carter asserted that the Soviet Union dominated Eastern Europe. President Ford, privy to intelligence that correctly pointed out that the USSR was losing its grip, contested that statement and was widely ridiculed for it. I can recall no one in the media that didn't join the dogpile. I know I thought he was nutty on the topic... I was in high school, paid attention in history class, read Newsweek and the Dallas Morning News and assumed I was just a lot smarter than he was. Turns out, as we all learned a decade later, Mr. Ford was ahead of the conventional wisdom... not a good campaign strategy, but not stupid.
John Snow eventually got favorable media coverage... but not in 1854.