Looks like we are headed to a 12 team playoff........

I'd prefer all 10 conference winners plus 6 at large...screw the independents make them join a league.

12 works for now.
Why 12? I guess they plan to have four of the the non power five conferences have a play in?
Yeah I was in favor of the five Power-5 champs, best overall non-Power-5 champ, and 2 at-large teams making it.

Assuming things hold, it would have been like
Michigan - B1G
USC - Pac
Clemson - ACC
Tulane - non-Power-5 best
tOSU - at large
Bama - at large
It needs to be 4, 8, or at most 16. Single elimination--no "play ins" or weird brackets.
This further pisses away some of the greatness of college football.

Yeah home games and bye weeks have no impact on final outcomes. You’ll have to whittle teams down so there’s less bias in scheduling and rankings. Repeats of major games is fairly useless. The SEC still will be out to protect its own.

If you want the NFL, watch the damn NFL.

I think 4 teams is fine.

8 would be ok.

I'd prefer no more.

If they must have more, then make it 16 so it's single elimination.

4 or 8 would be best. IMHO.
Why 12? I guess they plan to have four of the the non power five conferences have a play in?

I'm betting P5 conference champions and 7 at large bids. This would allow for any of the Non P5 schools that have a 10-1 or 11-0 year to get in and the fluke conference championship upset loser to still play. If you're on the fringe ranked 13th with 3 losses you don't belong anyway.
Keep it at 4 and let the computer pick em, no committee.
Program the computer so strength of schedule means something. I love great non conference games.
I've never really understood why they distanced from the BCS modeling in order to have humans do 100% of the placement. That was the whole impetus for creating the BCS in the first place. Getting those 7 at-large teams would be an easy proposition.
f**k it! Everybody gets to play. 128 teams, single elimination. No more regular season games. So what if Minnesota northeastern school for auto repair only plays a one game season every year, they get a participation trophy for losing to Georgia by a record 142 points.

Playoffs are another "made for ESPN" put together by the Fantasy Land department at Disney.

You are either good enough to be top two or you play in a "revenue bowl", get to believe next year will be far better than this one, buy season tickets early for next year, and tell yourself "this is our year". (At least until kickoff.)
I became a nutjob fan of college football I'd say in '66 when I was 11. Ever since we hear every year how only 3-5 teams have a real shot at winning it all . why do we need 12 teams? Its shouldn't be a reward for a team like UNT or MTSU for finishing 11-2 with a conference championship.
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I like this plan. While agree, West Salem School for Neurology and Hair Care could get it, its not likely they go far.

Imagine a 10 -2 Texas this year with losses to Alabama and TCU and they win the Big 12 by beating TCU, a 12 team playoff would benefit them. I also like the comment you need to be in a conference, sorry Gold Domers.

No need to use "what ifs" or "couldbes", go with reality. I think the best case scenario comes from 1968. I will go to my death believing that we had the best team in the country on December 1, 1968. We tied Third Ward when Layne missed a FG and Mike Simpson fumbled a punt. Then, we went to the High Plains and humped the puppy against Tech. Enter Frank Erwin and James Street, and the monster was created and rolling to thirty straight wins.

On January 1, 1969, Texas was the best team in the country but had a loss and a tie.

Editorial comment, that season was aided by a hotel maid in McLennan County. I sincerely hope out alums made sure she never had to work again.
I mostly like it, I just find the timing funny. "Oh no, looks like we won't have a single one of Alabama, Ohio State, Notre Dame, or Oklahoma; probably only one SEC team total ... better speed up the expansion."
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I mostly like it, I just find the timing funny. "Oh no, looks like we won't have a single one of Alabama, Ohio State, Notre Dame, Oklahoma, or Georgia ... better speed up the expansion."

Or maybe its realizing how stupid it is to have only 4 teams in a "playoff" with such a big pool of teams. :idk:
I haven’t read enough about it to know the plan. But are conference championships still a thing? If they are, do we effectively discount the loss?

The prospect of having to beat a team three times in a season is asinine. Twice is pretty dumb given there are 130 teams. But that’s probably the thing - there won’t be that many teams. And a lot people lose out in that scenario. A split of two games with the game one winner going home doesn’t prove who’s better either.!

Right now, you have 3 loss teams ranked 11-17. Then a 2 loss team that beat one of those two loss teams. There ain’t no way in hell you know who are the top 2 in that bunch. The larger the pool the more teams with an argument to be in grows larger.

You’ve got a collection of morons that couldn’t figure out, at least to my knowledge, that margin of victory is important and that caps could be built into models. If you’ve put the game away by the 3rd quarter, that’s worth something. If you score two garbage TDs, who cares. Humans are not so great at subjectivity.

Then there are questions to answer. Is a two loss Tennessee without their QB truly top 12? Are we necessarily saying that KState is better than Texas? If we swap Tulane for Bama, I bet we have the same record. Is it who had the better season or is it who’s better now? Are we willing to put a 4 loss team in over a 2 loss team? Over the years I’ve heard X team is hot. And sometimes, they are playing well, but it’s more a product of their mediocre schedule. This is not the NFL with fewer teams, league mandated and theoretically balanced schedules. At least until further tweaks are made to bring it closer to the nfl model.
YW raises some really good points. I’m kind of ambivalent of 8 team vs 12 - I’m just glad as it’s WAY better than this idiotic and needlessly exclusionary 4 team system.
12...so the top 4 get a bye? Teams 5-12 play? Then those winners play the top 4 (getting to the 8, 4, 2)?
Sure but after 8 years, why are they just realizing it now?

The Rose Bowl and also because it took over 100 years to realize letting newspaper writers just name a national champion was dumb. I'm actually surprised they didn't just move forward with a 16 team playoff like pretty much every other football division. I think we eventually end up there.

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