I was walking my dog about 9:30 last night and saw a car come in to our neighborhood, stopping in front of each house. A little girl, probably 8, was running up to each house. By the time I got back up the hill, she was coming off of our porch. 1) my wife wouldn't have answered the door anyway that late but 2) she is deaf so she didn't hear the doorbell, since I was walking it.
As the kid bounds off of the porch, the mother yells at the kid "There he is.....go ask him". The kid comes running over to me and starts to yell "Trick or........".
The dog doesn't tolerate kids very well at this point anyway, but here is an unknown kid running towards me, in the dark, with an unknown lady yelling at the kid. I had my hands full.
Me yelling at the kid to stay away from the dog, the dog barking like mad and taking a serious run at the kid, and the kid still coming to me yelling Trick or Treat.
If I had thought about it, I should have gone to the car and handed the parent the bag of dog **** I had in my hand.