Post Right Wing looniness here

Noem is done. Career overl

I am disappointed/disgusted because I had her on my list as VPs, but she shot and killed her young hunting dog because of it's rowdiness "ruined the hunt, chasing al the birds away and having a joyful time"

It was the young dogs first hunt. I don't hunt but I would bet they get super wired during their first few times, as you train them.
Then on the way home from hunting, the dog escaped her car and started killing chickens, right in front of her and the owner. And he bit Noem, too.
After that, she knew the dog must be put down. She said she "hated the dog", then led her out to a gravel pit and pulled an Old Yeller.

But she wasn't through. There was a male goat that was stinky, mean, and she was worried about her children so she shot it also. It was still moving, so she had to shoot twice.

Then she moved on kill 3 24 year old horses. The news hasn't said what was wrong with them, but that isn't ancient for a horse.

All of this is from her book! She thinks it shows that she can make tough decisions when needed, even if they are ugly and hard.

I didn't grow up on a farm, and I know many farmers that look at all animals as just a part of a working farm.
But, people love their dogs, or "fur babies"(I hate that expression!)
97% of Americans love their pets.
I don't see how she ever recovers from this.
I am a huge animal lover and can't begin to think of that "joyfully happy" bird dog was thinking as Kristi Noem led her to her death.

Don't bird dogs need lots of training to learn how to hunt?
And, I always take my dogs to at the least basic obedience classes.
This is honestly out of my understanding. So many other option, from training,re-homing,a doggie boot camp that uses positive coaching, as opposed to shock collars that don't work, maybe the dog had some type of issue and would have had a great response to prozac

Maybe in the end he wasn't a good dog;but she certainly deserved a good vet vision, and a good death where she just went to sleep..
Shame on you,].
Eisenhower also appointed Earl Warren and William Brennan to the Supreme Court. These were decent guys, but they didn't get everything right.

Eisenhower didn't get everything right, for sure. In fact, I wish Robert Taft would have been the Republican Party nominee in 1952. But I would say that he knew how to wage war.
I consider my base assumptions to be that IF the war had continued to Nov 1945 more American and Allied military would have died. What is false about that?
Definitely his base was out of Britain early on but couldn’t say exactly where. All I know is he dropped paratroopers on DDay and spent his time hauling casualties out of Germany into England and Italy later. Like most vets he spoke to us very little about it, a pity really. I do know he was scared out of his mind during the drops.
Definitely his base was out of Britain early on but couldn’t say exactly where. All I know is he dropped paratroopers on DDay and spent his time hauling casualties out of Germany into England and Italy later. Like most vets he spoke to us very little about it, a pity really. I do know he was scared out of his mind during the drops.

I can certainly understand why he was scared. Very dangerous but very important duty. If you ever do find out where he was, let me know. I'll at least see if I can check it out and post photos of it. I can't go on every facility, but I can go on many.
I consider my base assumptions to be that IF the war had continued to Nov 1945 more American and Allied military would have died. What is false about that?

I don't think it was a done deal that more Americans would have died. Japan was starving. They were defeated. Everyone knew it. Nov 1945 was an initial date thrown out by Eisenhower. The pressure was on Japan to get out of the war due to the starving people.
And there is this too. Russia was beginning to move against Japan in August:

All that had to happen was hundreds of thousands of people dead and more dieing for months due to radiation poisoning. Better to prioritize reducing rape of death, radiation poisoning, and mass starvation. Dude's calculator is broke.
Nah. He was right on war. That was his speciality. He was wrong on politics where he didn't have the same level of expertise.

Whether Japan was going to surrender isn't knowing how to wage war. That was a political decision, not a military one. If military strategy was driving Japan, they would have surrendered months earlier. And remember, they were deadlocked on surrender AFTER the bombs were dropped. It wasn't even a forgone conclusion then.
The US had complete control of the air and sea. Japan was starving. The generals said no land invasion was necessary. No more US military had to die. The pressure was on as the Japanese starved. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. But I don't assume an outcome based on surface level statements and generalities.
The US had complete control of the air and sea. Japan was starving. The generals said no land invasion was necessary. No more US military had to die. The pressure was on as the Japanese starved. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. But I don't assume an outcome based on surface level statements and generalities.

Surface level statements like the vote of the Japanese Imperial Council? That's about as fundamental as it gets.
It was WAR. Each side trying to kill the other. For anyone to say if the WAR had gone on past middle of August that no Americans would have been killed defies common sense.

Texas leads the nation with 438 banned books.
I wonder if someone wrote a story like this, would it get banned?

A well-respected religious leader has a concubine. A crowd of men in a town they're visiting violently gang rapes her to death. The religious leader cuts up her body into many pieces and mails the pieces to each area of the country asking for revenge against that town. The people of the country raise militias and viciously kill almost every resident of that town, including the women. The small % of men in that town who survived want some women, so they roam throughout the country, kidnapping innocent young women, carrying them off, and forcing them into marriage.

Boy-oh-boy! The right wingers wouldn't just ban that book, they'd burn every copy of that book in an aggie-sized bonfire. And they certainly wouldn't want kids to have any access to that book.
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Another popular one of the frequently banned books:

The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger (1951)

J.D. Salinger is known for two things: being famously reclusive and writing one of the most highly regarded and controversial books of the 20th century. It’s been challenged and banned in schools for profanity and episodes of sex and prostitution. Teachers have been fired for teaching it in classrooms. It’s also been blamed for inspiring anti-social behavior in teens and inspiring violence by those who don’t feel they fit in with their peers. After shooting and killing John Lennon, Mark David Chapman gave a copy of the novel to police to explain his motive.

Maybe the book banners could appreciate Holden's warning to parents about letting their boys go to the public bathrooms at Grand Central Station in NYC.

Things most people don't know about JD Salinger: Not only was he in the Army in WWII, he fought in the first waves of D-Day at Utah Beach and later in the Battle of the Bulge. This is one man who didn't need any %$&*ing phonies banning his books. He had also worked in Austria in the meat importing/exporting business up to 1 month before the Nazi takeover, when he moved back to the U.S.--good sense of timing.

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