Post Right Wing looniness here

My library is selling t shirts that say "Get your banned books here"
It is Dallas so I am pretty sure it does not mean what they think it does.
We gave away all our Clifford the Big Red Dog books because my kids are too old for them. Since that is diminished access, I have apparently banned Clifford the Big Red Dog!
We gave away all our Clifford the Big Red Dog books because my kids are too old for them. Since that is diminished access, I have apparently banned Clifford the Big Red Dog!
I used to say to my kids when I read it: Clifford the big red genetically modified dog.
My library is selling t shirts that say "Get your banned books here"
It is Dallas so I am pretty sure it does not mean what they think it does.

If it's a public library, no that should be illegal. It's a government entity engaging in political activism, not to mention dishonesty and fraud.
There are conflicting reports on that incident. The Repub Congressman is known as a non drinker. The incident happened at his home. Why would he shoot a stripper/ hooker he brought to his home?
One report I heard said he was awoken by someone breaking into his home. Very different from first MSM reports.
will wait to see what really happenef.
I agree . The timing is suspect BUT if he really did have a stripper in his home at 2:45am that seems like it is inviting trouble, if she was a plant or not. I can't find an update.

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